
Monday, May 02, 2022

Leadership Style: A Framework


Leadership Style: Fundamental Tensions

Authenticity (being true to yourself self) vs. Adaptability (adjusting your self-presentation to fit
the context)
•Conformity (fitting in with others) vs. Differentiation (standing out from the pack)


•Leadership styles emerge as a function of individual personality traits and dispositions, as well as situational demands and constraints

•There is no one most effective leadership style; each entails tradeoffs.

•Effective leaders typically have a broad repertoire of styles and know which style to adopt in different situations.

•Leadership styles can be learned and developed through practice.

•An effective way to begin to change one’s overall leadership style is to begin by “dialing up” or “dialing down” specific communication styles:assertiveness, credibility, likeability, trustworthiness, and openness


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